Well it has bee along time since I have posted.
So 3 weeks ago Kelly and I took a week off work and went up to the bay of islands. It was wicked. The weather was fantastic blue sky’s the whole time. We did the tourist thing while we were there. The hole in the rock was fun, we went in on the excitor. We also went all the way up to the cape and saw the lighthouse the scenery on the way up was amazing. We found a sweet camping spot on the way up which we may have to try out in the summer. We also went sand boarding at 90mile beach which was great. When the man was explaining to us how to go down the dune he pointed to one and we thought it was decent sized and he explained that was the practice one and the pointed to the huge on behind and said “after you happy on the practice you can do that one”. Haha well we thought he was joking, as it was about eight stories high. But he wasn’t. It took us over half an hour to get up the big dune. You take 1 step forward and then fall 1/2 a step down. But it only took a few seconds to come down. The rest of the time was spent just cruising around seeing the sites and sounds of the far north.
That weekend was also a Rally sprint up there. We have been working on the car trying to get it to handle better. First there was no suspension travel and the brake bias was on full rear. But the car has rattled me, and I’m way off the pace but improving. (Kelly even told me to harden up and drive faster). I had a big spin every run up there and placed 8th. Each spin I wound more out, but each run I was trying harder and braking later so by the end of the day I had wound another 2 turns out of the rear. I had 1 extra run at the end of the day to take a fire fighter for a run and on that time I would have made the run off. To little to late. But I still had a great day.
Chrystal and Mike are house sitting one of the most wicked old houses. It sits on top of this hill over looking the harbor and it has its own little bay. They decide to have a 70’s party mind you we over there the weekend before and finished a bottle of baileys, a bottle of zamboka, 3doz beers and a cask of wine (all class), the end of the evening got very clouded, but goods times. Anyway Me, Kelly, Andy and Alice we along. I had the sweetest platform shoes ever, Andy had is pimp cane and the girls were looking fine. We were set. Kelly was bounding all over the place having a great time and I was well in the swing of the 70’s. Needles to say the next day we didn’t do anything.
That’s about it. Yea it turns out I cant write cool things.
Our house is still standing, I got officially promoted I’m now a senior developer - not to sure what that means, One of our flat mates moved out, I’m still racing, Kelly is a teken master – she is addicted I think, I went for a race with Andy, found a sweet Indian restaurant, I’m drinking like a teenager again, Mum is touring the world, Edog is leaving on the 5th of next month – hope he gets his visa soon, we stayed in a hotel that had a spa in out room, haha it had 1 wall of full length mirrors, we went to Taupo for a weekend and winter is coming
Here are some photos: